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Consumer Advocacy

Get your life on track and live by the terms YOU set.

Consumer Services

If you have been subject to negative reporting, you know exactly how it limits your ability to live how you deserve.

Negative reporting will rob you of your financial freedom.

It will ruin your reputation and credibiltylimits your access to lines of credit, competitive interest rates, reliable transportation, housing, and even employment.

Fortunately, all is not lost. The truth is your credit can be repaired, no matter its condition. 

Get the financial literacy and credit education you need to take control of your life!

Join the thousands of people we have helped advocate for themselves and restore their reputation.
They now living life on their terms! 

Bad Credit

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If you have bad credit, you probably know exactly how it limits your ability to live a normal life. It will strip you of your financial freedom and stability. Limiting your access to additional lines of credit, competitive interest rates, reliable transportation, and even housing!

Fortunately all is not lost.

The truth is, your credit can be repaired,

no matter its condition.


Having good credit is the difference between getting approved or not. It is the defining factor in credit approvals or rejections, credit limits, interest rates, and repayment terms that are applied to your accounts. Most people think, the higher the score the more favorable your possible outcomes will be but the financially literate know that it is not just the score. 

Lenders also take into account the structure of the report itself. 

The credit utilization, history, remarks, and account statuses are some factors that are also considered when determining credibility.

We know the tips, tricks and secrets to achieving a desirable credit profile. Let us work for or with you. 

Good Credit

Good Credit

Consumer Report

Many are unaware of the agencies that are in place to protect the reputation, assets, and peace of mind of the consumer. They don't know of the federal codes and laws in place to protect these luxuries. If they do know of the laws, they may be unsure of when and / or how to apply them to get results.

We here at Business Execution Specialists know the laws,  when to use them, and exactly how to implement them to receive results.

We can do the work for you or give you the tools needed to do the work yourself.

Take a look around and let us know how we can help.

DIY Credit Repair

Consumer Services

Credit Card

Consists of the removal of or updating to damaging information that was applied to the personal credit report. This involves communication with and enforcement of debt collection agencies and consumer reporting agencies

Personal Credit Repair


Involves the analysis, breakdown, strategizing, and optimization of consumer reports.

Includes education on consumer credit resources, primary and secondary consumer reporting agencies, best ways to regulate reporting, and processes on how to have demands met.

Financial Literacy

Starts with the analysis of the clients credit report. The clients credit report, plans, and goals will be discussed to evaluate what options should be utilized to optimize their credit report. A strategy is then developed and implemented, leading to financial growth and maximum funding opportunities.  


Consumer Report Structuring

Taking Notes

Do not let the debt collectors ruin you life!

Our specialists are proficient in the laws that were established to protect consumers and allow you to live freely, as intended.

Our strategies include the use of the TILA, FCRA, FDCPA, and the CFPB amongst the many other entities that were established to protect consumers. 

Debt Elimination

We evaluate the consumer report extensively and consult with our clients to construct a strategy to help them execute their goals. We work to remove the negative, inaccurate, and unverifiable items from the consumer report. We will help you get approved for credit cards, car loans, mortgages, business credit, and more!

We use consumer law and government agencies to achieve our desired results.
There are many resources available to consumers that defend against debt collection abuses.
We utilize the Truth in Lending Act (TILA), Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA), and the
Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (FDCPA) amongst many other resources available.
We file complaints and disputes with the consumer reporting agencies, debt collectors, Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, Federal Trade Commission and other entities in place to protect consumer's reputation and freedoms.

Our Wins
  • Bankruptcies
  • Evictions
  • Student Loans
  • Collections
  • Medical Bills
  • Foreclosures
  • Tax Liens
  • Reposessions
  • Late Payments


Customer Service

Speak with a Specialist

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Credit monitoring sign up is required to review credit report

Speak with a board certified specialist about your credit score and goals to assess the areas in need of repair.

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Credit monitoring sign up is required to review credit report updates

Our strategists will begin the dispute process and structure your credit report correctly to maximize your funding outcomes.

You will receive email notifications on updates made to your credit profile. 



Business Meeting

Formulate a plan

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Credit monitoring sign up is required to review credit report updates

We will come up with a strategy on exactly how your credit report will be managed. You will be given access to a portal to monitor for any updates or progress being made on your report monthly.

Chart on the digital tablet screen.


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Credit monitoring sign up is required to review credit report updates

Utilize your credit builders and installment cards. That with the necessary trade lines applied to your account will have your scores increase in no time. Just monitor your monthly progress to see the changes. 

Service Tiers

All plans require credit monitoring service

Inquiry Package

$50 Per Inquiry / Per Bureau

  • $199 Enrollment / Audit

Consumer Report Restoration Package
  • BES Enrollment

  •  Consumer Report Audit 

  • Discuss areas of concern on your consumer report

  • Creation of removal and restoration strategy 

  • Inquiry removal

  • Unlimited disputes to the Big 3 consumer reporting agencies

  • 30 minute monthly consumer report update and financial literacy virtual sessions

  • Credit building recommendations

  • Negative comment removal 

  • Money back guarantee if no deletions occur within 120 days of start date

Debt Elimination

  • Everything included in the Consumer Report Restoration Packet




  • Unlimited disputes to data furnisher(s)

  • Unlimited Collection agency disputes

  • Unlimited complaints filed on your behalf (if necessary)

  • 60 minute bi-weekly consumer report update and financial literacy virtual sessions

  • Money back guarantee if no deletions occur within 120 days of start date


  • Phone call with Certified Strategist
  • In depth Financial literacy and credit education
  • Credit building secrets
  • Answers to credit questions
  • ​
  • Schedule a consultation to discuss any questions you have regarding your Consumer Profile.

  • Discuss your overall report, what’s hurting your credit profile, and strategies to help strengthen your profile.

DIY Credit Tools
  • $299 Credit Education and Repair Course with Credit Repair Outline

  • $97 DIY Credit Repair E-Book

  • $65/mo. Training Portal Access

    • Access to vital consumer reporting news and updates​

    • Access to BES Credit Repair Slack Group. Where you can ask questions and learn amongst a community of  like minded learners.

Contact Us

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Business Execution Specialists

7901 4th St. N, Ste. 4000

St. Petersburg, FL, 33702

1 (727) 373-6577

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